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13 Posts in this encyclopedia category

Galvanic coupling

Coupling via common impedances, different circuits with a common earth line. (All information without guarantee)


A perfect crimp connection is gas-tight and therefore corrosion-resistant. It acts like a cold weld. The main criterion for the quality of a crimped connection is the mechanically tight fit of the stranded wire on the connection part of the contact. It provides information about the quality of the crimp connection and determines the contact resistance and corrosion resistance of the connection. (All data without guarantee)

Gas-tight clamping point

The terminal point was connected in such a way that air or gas mixtures from outside have no influence. (All data without guarantee)


A device that works above layer 2 of the ISO/OSI reference model and converts or translates the protocols of different networks. (All information without guarantee)


Information on physical wire dimensions. (All data without guarantee)


A generator is a power generator that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. (All information without guarantee)

Geometric conductor cross-section

The geometric conductor cross-section is calculated from the conductor dimensions or, in the case of multi-wire conductors, from the sum of all the dimensions of a test piece. (All data without guarantee)

Gigabit Ethernet

Term for a very fast data network that has been standardised by EEE 802.3 since 1999. Based on a transmission rate of 1,000 Mbit/s with a variable packet length of 64 to 1518 bytes. (All data without guarantee)

Glass fibre technology

Fibre optic technology is the technology used to transport data with the aid of light. It is based on the property of light to be totally reflected at the transition from an optically dense to a less optically dense medium if the critical angle of total reflection is not exceeded. (All data without guarantee)


Standards Institute in Russia (comparable to VDE in Germany, British Standard in Great Britain, IMQ in Italy, UTE in France). (All information without guarantee)

Guide bush

In conjunction with the guide pin. Prevents skewing. The guide bush has a coding function. (All information without guarantee)

Guide pin

In conjunction with a guide bush. The guide pin prevents skewing. It has a coding function. (All information without guarantee)


Cavities that inevitably occur between the cores stranded to form a rope due to their circular cross-section. (All data without guarantee)

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